Cameroon Here is a little background on myself and why I went to Cameroon. I have lived two years in Europe and traveled there frequently over the past 30 years. Although there are so many places that I have not seen, Sub-Sahara Africa interested me because it is not a...
Access to online courses for cameroonians remains a challenge due to internet limitations
INTERNET : A luxury for Cameroonian students In a world where learning is done online, Cameroonians are still struggling to connect properly to the web. Investigation in Yaoundé... A real sea snake for students and web enthusiasts. In cybercafés, the main spaces for students, this message usually appears: “Address not found”...
8 raisons pour changer le monde
8 raisons pour changer le monde Cette semaine, j’ai eu des rencontres et des échanges très fructueux avec des acteurs de l’innovation sociale au Québec. Bien que mon cheminement personnel sur la distinction entre l’innovation et la créativité soit encore en cours, je dois préciser que j’ai bien avancé d’une...
8 reasons for you to also change the world
8 reasons for you to also change the world This week, I have had meetings and very fruitful exchanges with actors of social innovation in Quebec. Although my personal journey on the distinction between innovation and creativity is still in progress, I must clarify that I have well advanced on...
KWS14 – DAY 4 : how to set up a tech company in emerging markets?
Technology and Social Innovation week – Day 4: APPFRICA On Thursday October 2nd, the fourth day of the Tech & Innovation week went on with a presentation from Appfrica, about how to set up a tech company in emerging markets. The conference was held in the EV Building at Concordia...