L’ONG Kongossa technologie, André Fortin Conseiller en animation créative, innovation sociale et participation citoyenne; Juliana Alvarez Designer, M.Sc.A, co-fondatrice Ide3s. ont animé le 30 septembre 2014 un atelier de design thinking. OBJECTIFS DE L’ATELIER – Réfléchir sur comment établir davantage de ponts entre le milieu de l’innovation sociale et celui...
Mobile phone health apps for diabetes management: Current evidence and future developments
Mobile phone health apps for diabetes management: Current evidence and future developments S. GOYAL1,2 and J.A. CAFAZZO1,2,3 The popularity of mobile devices has created a unique opportunity to engage with previously difficult to access populations. As a result, many of the existing models of healthcare delivery are being reimagined. A...
Mobile phone health apps for diabetes management: Current evidence and future developments
Mobile phone health apps for diabetes management: Current evidence and future developments S. GOYAL1,2 and J.A. CAFAZZO1,2,3 The popularity of mobile devices has created a unique opportunity to engage with previously difficult to access populations. As a result, many of the existing models of healthcare delivery are being reimagined. A...
Social media and mobile consumerism: The Socioeconomic Transformation of Africa?
SOCIAL MEDIA AND MOBILE CONSUMERISM: The Socioeconomic Transformation of Africa? The Rise in Mobile Consumerism and Social Media in the Region Over the past few years, the impact of social media and evolving communication technology has been eminent throughout the world. One of the major differences social media has created...
Social media and mobile consumerism: The Socioeconomic Transformation of Africa?
SOCIAL MEDIA AND MOBILE CONSUMERISM: The Socioeconomic Transformation of Africa? The Rise in Mobile Consumerism and Social Media in the Region Over the past few years, the impact of social media and evolving communication technology has been eminent throughout the world. One of the major differences social media has created...
How social entreprises use technology
Bonin Bough said in one of his conferences, that technology really mushroomed when manufacturers designed simple products that are relatable to users. Everyone can understand this statement, including me who’s a little bit of a geek. In fact everyone has seen the videos about babies who can’t even say a...
8 raisons pour changer le monde
8 raisons pour changer le monde Cette semaine, j’ai eu des rencontres et des échanges très fructueux avec des acteurs de l’innovation sociale au Québec. Bien que mon cheminement personnel sur la distinction entre l’innovation et la créativité soit encore en cours, je dois préciser que j’ai bien avancé d’une...
8 reasons for you to also change the world
8 reasons for you to also change the world This week, I have had meetings and very fruitful exchanges with actors of social innovation in Quebec. Although my personal journey on the distinction between innovation and creativity is still in progress, I must clarify that I have well advanced on...
EcoTech : Pierre Blanchette, CEO Idénergie will speak at KWS14
Quebec has identified more than a million lakes, 130,000 watercourses of which 4,500 are rivers. Quebec holds 2% of the earth’s fresh water… in short Quebec is water. For all these reasons and for many others (Foundation One Drop, Code Love, etc), we have been very curious to learn more about...
Technologie et développement durable: Pierre Blanchette, CEO Idénergie sera au KWS pour présenter sa turbine
Pierre Blanchette, le CEO de IDENERGIE a passé une partie de son enfance au Congo et a voyagé dans de nombreux pays à travers le monde tels que le Guatemala, le Nicaragua, l’Argentine, l’Afrique du Sud et même du Pakistan. Ces voyages lui donnent l’expérience de terrain et il a...