Amnesty International a mis en place le bouton d’urgence pour aider les activistes en danger

Le premier mai dernier, Amnisty International a dévoilé une nouvelle application mobile pour soutenir les militants des droits humains dans le monde. Une optimisation des flux de communication entre militants rendue possible grâce aux technologies. Le « Bouton d’urgence » est une application pour téléphone portable Android qui transforme le smartphone en un système secret d’alarme....

The Panic button app from Amnisty International will protect human rights activits

Human rights activists in some of the world’s most repressive states will have improved access to assistance when facing the risk of attacks thanks to a smart, easy-to-use app launched by Amnesty International last May. “Panic Button”, a mobile app for Android, transforms a user’s smart phone into a secret alarm...

Where human rights are heading in the next five years : Technology and Human rights

For years, there’s not a single day goes off without a conflict somewhere in the world. Families, children, civilians are often threatened and sometimes tortured or even killed. To these abuses of human rights, Amnesty International has continued for several years to protect human rights. The organization acts independently thanks...