La co-construction en entrepreneuriat : une avenue pour l’enseignement en Afrique

Dans le cadre de la série d’entretiens accordés aux experts de l’éducation, j’ai eu l’occasion d’échanger avec Constantin Tombet-Moupégnou. Ce professionnel de l’entrepreneuriat a plusieurs casquettes: Entrepreneur et Consultant en Entrepreneuriat Social, Constantin poursuit simultanément des études doctorales Administration des Affaires et en Pédagogie de l’Enseignement supérieur. À Montréal, Constantin...

Discovery for associations

Facebook has a community of over one billion people. This community know allows every local nonprofit or small company to become a global one. In the last months we have seen several cause-focuzed organizations use social media and specially Facebook to drive awareness, raise funds and enable their members to...

Discovery for associations

Facebook has a community of over one billion people. This community know allows every local nonprofit or small company to become a global one. In the last months we have seen several cause-focuzed organizations use social media and specially Facebook to drive awareness, raise funds and enable their members to...

Patrick Dube, Living Lab SAT / Ste – Justine

After a Masters in Cultural Anthropology and doctoral studies in modeling complex studies, Patrick Dubé started his research career in the domain of digital medical applications. Since 2009, he’s been assisting organizations in the development of their innovative practices and supports the development of innovative practices open to SME’s, NPO’s and municipalities. In 2013, he...